Juno Toll-Free is limited to 30 hours of usage per month.
Usage is rounded up to the next whole minute.
Monthly usage beyond 30 hours will incur a fee of 2½¢ per minute.
We will round your total monthly fee to nearest whole cent.
You may incur long distance charges should you use an access number that differs from the toll-free number provided by Juno.
Live telephone technical support is available for a fee of $25 per incident.
You are responsible for any long distance and technical support charges incurred even during any free, trial or discounted periods.
You will be charged the applicable subscription fees unless you cancel your service before the end of any free or trial periods.
To cancel your service, please call 1-800-638-9376. See Terms of Service for details.
Service not available in all areas. Unless otherwise indicated, all prices are in United States dollars.
Not all viruses can be detected or cleaned.
As described in the terms of service, you are responsible for any damages caused by your decision to download email or attachments.
Speed reference compared to major nationally available dial-up ISPs, set at maximum acceleration.